Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 4!/photo.php?v=10150507987479622&set=vb.540614621&type=2&theater  --check out this link to see my shadow puppet stuff!!
We presented our shandow presentations and filmed them today (although this was really monday and now its friday but I am writing it like its monday).  Dr.Liz, Kaley, and myself did all the puppetering while Fiona watched and filmed for us.  Hopefully Kaley will put up the video's on youtube soon so I can post them on this blog and show them.  Anywho what we did then was divide into pairs, myself and Fiona, and Dr.Liz and Kaley.  We each talked for a minute about an issue which is really important or we feel very strongly about.  I talked about the bullying of LGBT youth and that bullying eventually leading to sucide of those who are bullied.  Fiona talked about violence in the world.  Dr. Liz talked about the unfair hiarchy between the rich and poor.  Kaley talked about teen pregnancy.  We then took our partners issue and talked about it like it was our own.  From our topics we then talked about how if we added characters to these topics; who would be a character that would be caught in the middle.  We chose the topic of teen pregnancy.  We created a story about a prochoice woman named Patti.  She has a twin sister named Angela who is prolife and has a teenage daughter, Sophie.  Sophie comes to Patti with whom she is very close, and confesses that she is pregnant and wants an abortion.  She asks for Patti's help and promises her not to say anything about it to her mother.  Then we have a scene where Patti is talking to Angela.  Angela knows that something is going on with her daughter and asks Patti if she knows whats going on.  Patti then has her own monologue about her conflicting emotions between her niece, her sister, and her principles.  I will be playing Sophie in our workshop on monday and I wrote up a scene for us to play with.  Dr.Liz is playing Patti and Kaley is playing Angela.  Here is the scene that I typed up:

Patti and Sophie

(Scene opens on Patti alone in her kitchen.  She looks expectant, maybe a little nervous.  As if she knows something is coming.  Enter Sophie)

Sophie:  Hey…

Patti(Startled): Oh!  Hello darling!  I didn’t hear you come in.

Sophie:  I came in through the back door, if it’s a bad time I can come…

Patti:  No no dear, please sit down. Would you like a cup of tea?

Sophie: That would be great.

(Patti goes and fixes Sophie a cup.  Sophie sits down)

Patti:  You take sugar right?

Sophie: Yes

(Patti brings Sophie her cup and sits down across from her).

Patti: So, on the phone you said you wanted to talk about something.

Sophie:  Yes, (sighs) I guess I don’t really know how to begin

Patti:  It’s alright dear, you know I’m here for you.

Sophie:  Ok, well before have to promise me that you won’t tell mom about this.  That you won’t tell anyone about this.

Patti: (Sighs) Darling, I’m not so sue if I feel entirely comfortable making that promise.  Your mother and I..

Sophie:  Please aunt Patti.  I don’t know who else I can talk to.  Mom would…she would never understand.

Patti: (a little reluctantly) Alright, I promise.

Sophie:  I’m pregnant

Patti: Ok, what happened?

Sophie:  I don’t even really want to talk about that part right now.  I just want it to go away.  Please, please help me make it go away.  I want it to be like it never happened.

Patti:  You want to get an abortion?

Sophie: Can you help me?

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