Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 2

Today we presented our Pecha Kucha Presentations.  It went a lot faster than I even anticipated.  Trying to sum up my journey here with a 20 pictures that last 20 seconds each was hard.  From Fiona's perspective she said that two themes popped up in mine.  Performance and places.  That these might be the most important things to me.  Its definitely true that performance holds a huge importance in my life.  Performing has always been the thing that I was best at.  It was what made me feel good about myself.  Its my drive.  Performance is what drives me forward and is what I am passionate about.  She also noticed my attachment to places.  That I might gain energy from places and from going out.  With those two things in mind asked me to think about how I could introduce myself while encapsulating those things.  I said that I am acting all the time, we all are.  Depending on our situation and the people in it we alter our behavior so that we may have the most enjoyable, comfortable, or rewarding experience.  I use theater as a channeling device.  I can channel a character.  We then did a few more exercises.  In one we introduced ourselves but used a detailed story.  I told the story about the first time I ever went whale watching and the unfathomable joy it made me feel.  We are to take these stories for next time and construct them into a shadow puppetry piece.  Next we did an exercise where we were asked to describe in one minute what we were doing at the exact same moment in time yesterday.   We then combined our stories into a series of psychical movements.  It was fun and funny and we made the point that you don't have to worry about good ideas and having them.  Just to do will create something that is sincere and beautiful in its own way.

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